Delete duplicate records using this script in MS Sql Server

Hi Friends ,

You can delete duplicate records using this script in MS Sql Server. I write a example below.

Declare @tblEmployee As table 
Eid int,
Ename varchar(10)

insert into @tblEmployee values(1,'A')
insert into @tblEmployee values(2,'B')
insert into @tblEmployee values(3,'A')
insert into @tblEmployee values(4,'D')
insert into @tblEmployee values(5,'B')

Select * from @tblEmployee 

Delete From @tblEmployee Where Eid in (

Select Eid from 
(Select * , ROW_NUMBER() Over ( partition by Ename Order by Ename ) As ICount  From @tblEmployee )As Qry Where Qry.ICount > 1

Select * from @tblEmployee 


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